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    Anúncio do Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 de setembro de 2018 O Pulitzer Center tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Rainforest Journalism Fund, uma iniciativa de cinco anos de US$ 5,5 milhões com foco na conscientização pública sobre as questões ambientais urgentes enfrentadas pelas florestas tropicais do mundo

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    Mengumumkan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 September 2018 Pulitzer Center mengumumkan telah meluncurkan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan, sebuah inisiatif yang memberikan perhatian kepada meningkatnya kesadaran publik atas isu-isu lingkungan mendesak yang dihadapi oleh hutan hujan di dunia. Total dana hibah ini adalah

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    Annonce du Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 septembre 2018 Le Pulitzer Center est heureux d'annoncer le lancement du Rainforest Journalism Fund, une initiative financée à hauteur de 5,5 millions de dollars sur une période de cinq ans, qui vise à sensibiliser le public aux problèmes environnementaux urgents auxquels sont

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    Anunciando al Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 12 de Septiembre de 2018 El Pulitzer Center se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento del Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), una iniciativa de cinco años y US$ 5.5 millones enfocada en aumentar la conciencia pública sobre los problemas ambientales urgentes que enfrentan las selvas

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    Announcing the Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, September 12, 2018 The Pulitzer Center is pleased to announce the launch of the Rainforest Journalism Fund, a five-year, $5.5 million initiative focused on raising public awareness of the urgent environmental issues facing the world’s tropical forests. Supported by a grant from

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    Chamada Especial para Propostas: O Impacto das Eleições no Brasil Sobre a Amazônia

    A eleição brasileira será o grande evento na Amazônia em 2022. Com 60% da Amazônia em seu território, as decisões políticas lideradas pelo atual Legislativo e o Executivo brasileiros podem agravar o avanço de atividades ilegais sobre áreas protegidas e contra os povos da floresta. A pressão sobre a

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    Convocatoria Especial de Propuestas: El Impacto de las Elecciones Brasileñas en la Amazonia

    Las elecciones brasileñas serán el gran acontecimiento de la Amazonia en 2022. Con el 60% de la Amazonia en territorio brasileño, las decisiones políticas dirigidas por los actuales poderes legislativos y ejecutivos brasileños afectarán al avance de las actividades ilegales en las áreas protegidas y

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    Special Call for Proposals: The Impact of Brazilian Elections on the Amazon

    The Brazilian election will be the big event in the Amazon in 2022. With 60% of the Amazon in Brazil’s territory, political decisions led by the current Brazilian legislative and executive powers will affect the advance of illegal activities in protected areas and against rainforest peoples. The

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    Appel spécial à propositions: Collaboration dans la région du Bassin du Congo

    Le Bassin du Congo abrite la deuxième plus vaste forêt tropicale du monde après l'Amazonie. Ces forêts jouent un rôle capital, notamment, dans le ralentissement du réchauffement climatique, l’alimentation et les moyens de subsistance des populations riveraines, la pharmacopée traditionnelle, la

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    Special Call for Proposals: Collaboration in the Congo Basin Region

    The Congo Basin is home to the second-largest tropical forest in the world after the Amazon. These forests play a vital role in slowing global warming, providing food and livelihoods to local populations, serving as resources for traditional medicines, supplying drinking water, and many other key

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    Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund

    SOBRE O AMAZON RAINFOREST JOURNALISM FUND O Rainforest Journalism Fund visa apoiar e aumentar a capacidade de jornalistas locais, regionais e internacionais que reportam questões relacionadas às florestas tropicais. Uma das três regiões de foco da floresta tropical é a Bacia Amazônica, abrangendo

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    Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Amazon

    Tentang Dana Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Amazon Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan bertujuan untuk mendukung dan membangun kapasitas jurnalis lokal, regional, dan internasional untuk meliput isu-isu terkait dengan hutan hujan tropis. Salah satu dari 3 region dengan hutan hujan adalah Basin Amazon, yang

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    Fonds de journalisme Amazon Rainforest

    A PROPOS DU RJF AMAZONE Le Rainforest Journalism Fund vise à soutenir et à renforcer les capacités des journalistes locaux, régionaux et internationaux qui traitent des questions liées aux forêts tropicales humides. L'une des trois régions de la forêt tropicale est le bassin de l'Amazonie, qui s

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    Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund

    Acerca del Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund El Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund (Rainforest Journalism Fund para la región de la cuenca amazónica) tiene como objetivo apoyar y desarrollar la capacidad de los periodistas locales, regionales e internacionales que hacen reportajes sobre temas

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    Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund

    The Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant. Through this change, the Pulitzer Center continues to provide short-term project support to journalists reporting in rainforests, but seeks more ambitious proposals: larger in scale, and

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    Privacy Policy

    The Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Pulitzer Center are committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals who visit, subscribe to our email newsletters, or submit personal information to us directly through the internet or at in-person events. What We Know About

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    Privacy Policy

    The Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Pulitzer Center are committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals who visit, subscribe to our email newsletters, or submit personal information to us directly through the internet or at in-person events. What We Know About

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    Privacy Policy

    The Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Pulitzer Center are committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals who visit, subscribe to our email newsletters, or submit personal information to us directly through the internet or at in-person events. What We Know About