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    Chamada Especial para Propostas: O Impacto das Eleições no Brasil Sobre a Amazônia

    A eleição brasileira será o grande evento na Amazônia em 2022. Com 60% da Amazônia em seu território, as decisões políticas lideradas pelo atual Legislativo e o Executivo brasileiros podem agravar o avanço de atividades ilegais sobre áreas protegidas e contra os povos da floresta. A pressão sobre a

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    Convocatoria Especial de Propuestas: El Impacto de las Elecciones Brasileñas en la Amazonia

    Las elecciones brasileñas serán el gran acontecimiento de la Amazonia en 2022. Con el 60% de la Amazonia en territorio brasileño, las decisiones políticas dirigidas por los actuales poderes legislativos y ejecutivos brasileños afectarán al avance de las actividades ilegales en las áreas protegidas y

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    Special Call for Proposals: The Impact of Brazilian Elections on the Amazon

    The Brazilian election will be the big event in the Amazon in 2022. With 60% of the Amazon in Brazil’s territory, political decisions led by the current Brazilian legislative and executive powers will affect the advance of illegal activities in protected areas and against rainforest peoples. The

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    Penerima Hibah

    Mengenal seluruh penerima hibah kami

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    Bénéficiaries de subventions

    Rencontrez les bénéficiaires de subventions RJF pour une audience mondiale

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    Conozca a los becarios del Rainforest Journalism Fund para audiencia global

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    Meet the grantees from the Rainforest Journalism Fund for Global Audiences The Global Audience Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant. The Rainforest Reporting Grant supports and builds capacity for quality, independent journalism in three key

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    Projetos e Histórias

    JORNALISMO DA AMAZONIA O Rainforest Journalism Fund ofrece apoio ao jornalismo essencial nesta região e enfatiza as oportunidades de capacitação. PROJETOS E HISTÓRIAS Apply To Be a Grantee To apply for a Rainforest Journalism Fund reporting grant, please visit the Grants page. Apply Now

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    Proyek & Artikel

    Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan dari Amazon Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan memberikan dukungan penting pada liputan di wilayah dengan fokus khusus pada membangun kapasitas liputan lokal. Projects & Stories Apply To Be a Grantee To apply for a Rainforest Journalism Fund reporting grant, please visit the

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    Projets et Articles

    Projets et articles de l'Amazonie Le Rainforest Journalism Fund de l'Amazonie soutien du journalisme essentiel avec un accent particulier sur le renforcement des capacités. Projects & Stories Apply To Be a Grantee To apply for a Rainforest Journalism Fund reporting grant, please visit the Grants

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    Proyectos e Historias

    Periodismo ambiental de la Cuenca Amazónica El Rainforest Journalism Fund ofrece apoyo para el periodismo en la region de la Cuenca Amazónica, con un enfoque especial en promover la capacidad periodística al nivel local y regional. Proyectos e historias Solicitar una beca de periodismo del

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    Projects & Stories

    Rainforest Journalism From the Amazon The Rainforest Journalism Fund's work in the Amazon provided critical support for reporting in the region with a special focus on building local reporting capacity. The Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant

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    Conheça nossos bolsistas do Southeast Asia Rainforest Journalism Fund

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    Penerima Dana

    Perkenalkan Para Penerima Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Asia Tenggara

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    Bénéficiaries de subventions

    Rencontrez les bénéficiaires de subventions de RJF Asie du Sud-Est

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    Conozca a los becarios del Rainforest Journalism Fund del Sudeste Asiático

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    Meet the Southeast Asia Rainforest Journalism Fund Grantees The Southeast Asia Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant. The Rainforest Reporting Grant supports and builds capacity for quality, independent journalism in three key regions: the Amazon